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Meet This inspiring Doctor, Speaker, Author and Yoga Guru who has started a happiness revolution through her

Founder(s) Dr. Alka Chadha
Date of Establishment 01st January 1991
Industrial Sector Beauty and Wellness
Headquarter Mumbai
Presence PAN India
Awards and Recognition --

"Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within ourselves, in our way of thinking."

-Dr. Alka Chadha

The Medicine Called Joy…!


And that, is the core philosophy of Dr Alka Chadha, a practicing Doctor, Speaker, Yoga Guru, Author, and founder of the reputed clinic "Hope & Care Centre" and now the new school called "Happiness Academy"!

Phewwww! So many roles rolled into a single being!!!

A vision she has, to make this world the happiest place.

Alka has recognized over her long career as a practicing doctor, that the happy people are the healthiest people.

The Senior Citizens club called “Shukriya Zindagi” founded by Dr Alka Chadha brings a lot of happiness. These seniors are a powerhouse of love and energy.

They sing and dance on stage and have fun. Yes, Dr Alka finds a lot of happiness in music, singing and dancing.

“Shukriya Zindagi” is the core value of her life. “Shukriya” means Gratitude, which is her mom, and the “Zindagi” part is her dad, from whom she learnt all about LIFE.  

Alka believes totally in the power of Gratitude. “Being grateful in every moment of life, makes us so happy, as we focus on what we have rather than what we don’t”. With these thoughts she is launching her book called “Thank you,  Zindagi”

What are we mostly thinking?

If I get rich, I’ll be happy, if I get that job, I’ll be happy, If, my partner can be more understanding, I will be happy. These beliefs are the biggest barriers to Happiness.

Believing that success will lead to happiness only leads to frustration. Success at best leads to a high, for a short time. What we need to focus is not on the destination but the journey.

We can choose to be happy. We can decide every morning to be happy. It’s a skill. We can create such moments and also can make these moments memorable.

If you give, you receive. If you are feeling low and if you go and help someone, your day turns around. We can always, always give something even if its kindness.

Falling in love with songs, music, dancing and singing, with books, with nature makes us so happy.

Slowing down makes us happier. Mostly we are going through our entire lives just making a living. It seems at times like we blow through life and we miss most of it.

My mom told us to stop, enjoy every moment, smell the flowers on the way, savor our food; greet everyone on the way, don’t walk past them, she would say “What’s the hurry, where are you running?

Albert Einstein said  “you can live your life as if everything is a miracle or you can live life as if nothing is a miracle”.

When we are true to ourselves, when we are living our purpose, when we are doing something meaningful, we are happy.

Where are we looking for Happiness?

We create big homes, we buy the most expensive cars, or we are wearing the most expensive watches or buying the biggest solitaire but internally we have the same battles.

People who are present every moment in their lives, who enjoy small moments, who let go, who have a lot of gratitude inside, who have smaller requirements, are always happy. These are the people who are content and have the best and healthy lives.

Many of us are worried about how its going to be after the pandemic? Our diabetic patients, are worried about their illness. They are always in distress thinking about their complications.

Or some of us are going through life busy making money, constantly hustling, taking stress at every minuscule problem, being intense and serious all the time, giving away our lives to making a living, but forgetting to live actually. This is the sad part.

Why We Need That Shot of Happiness!

There are the times we need some shots of Happiness. We have everything and yet something is MISSING.

Dr Alka Chadha is striving hard to make the world so much happier every day showing you tools and techniques to be happy.

If we are happy, we have better relationships, at home and at work. We are passionate at our careers.

A British telecommunications firm run by Oxford University's Saïd Business School found that happy workers were more productive. Studies show that 7,500 Australians claim compensation for work-related mental disorders each year.

The Doctor in Her!

One of the many dimensions of Dr Alka is that of an ace doctor too!

An achiever in the field of Medicine, she holds a vast ocean of experience, and she is the founder along with Dr Manoj Chadha of popular integrated endocrine and lifestyle clinic Hope & Care Centre in Navi Mumbai.

Hope and Care Center has been created with the sole purpose of helping the patient with prevention of lifestyle diseases, and their management.

Dr Alka Chadha is passionate about preventing Osteoporosis (and fragility fractures) which has plagued more than 200 million people globally! Bone loss is an integral part of the aging process. We achieve our peak bone mass between the ages of 30-35 years. Thereafter it is a downhill course. We are living longer (not necessarily healthy!) and hence the chances of our bone mass going below the fracture threshold is higher. Hence, it is important to be active during childhood, eat healthy, avoid bone toxins (smoking and alcohol) and continue with weight bearing exercise throughout the life-cycle.

According to recent statistics from the International Osteoporosis Foundation, worldwide, 1 in 3 women over the age of 50 years and 1 in 5 men will experience osteoporotic fractures in their lifetime.

She strongly advocates being happy, eating right and exercising the correct way, to lead a holistic and blissful life both physical and mental health.

A Love Guru & Yoga Master Too…!

Extending her endeavors for wellness, while making the world happy, she has come been helping couples too, who still have that love and spark in them, or to even develop that spark. With this in mind she is writing another book called "The Magical Lives of Happy Couples".

According to a research paper published by Frontiers, "Yoga practitioners reported good physical ability and endurance. The yoga group also showed less anxiety, stress, fear, and having better-coping strategies than the non-Yoga group. The Yoga group displayed striking and superior ability to cope with stress and anxiety associated with lockdown and COVID-19. In the Yoga group, participants performing meditation reportedly had relatively better mental health. Yoga may lead to risk reduction of COVID-19 by decreasing stress and improving immunity if specific yoga protocols are implemented through a global public health initiative."

“Yoga is a way of Life” she believes.

She teaches yoga with an emphasis on "Antaranga" Yoga for the past 20 years! Meditation and Pranayam can be done by one and all.

Also being the facilitator for the Teacher's training course for Yoga conducted by the esteemed Yoga Vidya Niketan, she is well-versed in her knowledge, for she has seen both sides of the spectrum; the student and the teacher.

Joy, health, fitness and yoga are possibly the greatest gifts you can give to yourself, and to others.  Dr Alka Chadha can help you with them! She delivers the best to her clients and customers with all selflessness and joy.

Don't believe us? Contact Dr Alka right now (Would you learn the ADD CTA HERE...) and find answers to all your questions! 

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